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There is a first time for everything!!!  Last night I taught my very first Zumba fitness class.  It wasn’t just one song for someone else’s class.  No.  That’s not how I roll.  When I do something, I do it all the way.  I started my own business and my own classes and taught my first full class all by my lonesome!  Boy was it fun!!!

I made sure to start my Zumba business in a place I feel loved and supported (my church).  My minister was so excited when I asked her about teaching there.  She has been very supportive and has made sure it was advertised and gave me special time up on the podium for the last 2 weeks to talk it up. Did I mention I feel loved and supported there?


Even so, I packed the room with my 2 biological children and 3 more bonus children.  I knew they would dance, laugh and bring that energy I love and they did!  But I also had a packed room!  People from Facebook.  People from church.  It was a great mix of age groups from 11 to 70’s.  Perfect!  Even my husband tried to do some shakin’ and groovin’!  (Unfortunately, he knees can’t handle it until after his surgery in July, but he tried!)



It is funny how I can have every song and dance memorized and do it perfectly at home, but once I get up in front of everyone and find myself having to multi-task (remembering the moves, doing the moves, encouraging others to move, giving instruction, counting the measures of the song, smiling and laughing all at the same time) that the dance moves just float away.  Sometimes during the songs it became just a matter of, move and have fun!  So that is what we did!  They didn’t know the moves to the dances, so what could it hurt?  Only a couple of women had ever done Zumba and since I choreographed all but 1 of my songs completely on my own, no one knew the moves except for me.  That made it easy to forget and make it up on the fly!  There is definitely a learning curve, but I don’t regret starting out this way at all.  I know many instructors start out teaching 1 song for an already formed class or they start out subbing.  This gives them the confidence to start their own classes.  But like I said, I started in a place I feel loved and supported and I know they will laugh with me not at me :) .


I danced and smiled so much last night.  I literally had sweat dripping in my eyes. It was crazy! I looked at my participants.  They were sweating up a storm.  The 19-year-old boys had sweat soaked shirts!  My minister was sweating up a storm. I heard comments like, “She wasn’t kidding when she said we were gonna sweat!” I saw smiles!  I heard laughing.  To me, that means I did my job (if you want to call it that) well.  To me, it was just dancing with my friends.  Isn’t that what life is supposed to be about?


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