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Archive for July, 2011

Week 20….Amazing and Getting Even Better!

Do you want the Good, Better or Best news first???


How about we start with the Good.  Week 20 found me releasing 1 more pound for a total of 30.4#

Better…..I skated my 25 roller derby laps in FOUR minutes FORTY SEVEN.SEVEN seconds!!!!

BEST!!!……. Pictures are worth a thousand words (at least…..)  Here are my 8 Week Super Summer Challenge Before/After Photos….


It has been an amazing week!  Last year, Rev. Jackie gave me  a set of roller skate PJ’s.  They were a size Large and entirely too small for me.  I couldn’t get the pants even up my thighs, much less around my hips!  I am able to wear them now and they are my favorites!!!!  I completely finished my 8 Week Super Summer Challenge and met ALL of my goals!!!  I lost 10.8# (my goal was 10).  My goal was to lift 10# free weights without elbow pain..DONE.  My goal was to run my 1/2 marathon in 3:30 and as we have already discussed I have done it in 3:29.59.  I added new goals mid way through:  Faster than a 45 minute 5K; I now run it in 4:42.  I also wanted to do my derby laps faster than 5 minutes…and I do them in 4:47.7!  SWEET!


I have learned in a very REAL way that nothing is impossible because even the world impossible says “I’m Possible.”  I am so much more than my imagination can conjure up!

I’m amazing and getting even better!!!!

Reaching More Goals……

This week marks the 8th week in Transformation.com’s 8 Week Super Summer Challenge.  I had a few goals set for this challenge…..

  • Release 10#
  • Skate up the 8 levels of the 8th St. Parking Garage
  • A faster 5K  (goal to beat 44:44)
  • Get up to 10# free weights without hurting my tennis elbow
  • Faster 25 Derby Laps (Last pace 5:00.02)
  • Finish the See Jane Run 1/2 Marathon in 03:30:00 (I finished in 03:29:59 according to clock but ankle timer was a few seconds faster)
Having finished the 1/2 marathon in the right time….and stepping on the scale yesterday with a total of 9.8# released so far (certain I will make the 10# goal)….and already using the 10# weights 3x/week without elbow pain…that still left me with the faster 5K, the parking garage and the laps…
Last night, my hubby and I made a little visit to the 8th Street Parking Garage with my skates!  I felt all sneaky like.  A part of me KNEW that this couldn’t be allowed in the parking garages, but my friends had done it before and didn’t mention getting busted.  But either way, I wasn’t gonna take the chance.  So We went up to level 2 where the parking starts to get my skates on. *laugh*  I didn’t want the attendants to see me rolling in through the gates *laugh*  Anyway, I skated up there.  I am not certain what preconceived notions I had of this adventure, but I thought I would KILL me.  I thought it would be harder than heck!  Yes, there were parts that were hard.  Every level had an up ramp and then a semi flat part.  So my legs had a bit of a rest at every level.  One thing I did notice was that the cement was grippy and hard to push on..especially going up the up ramps!  By the time I got to the top of every up ramp, my legs were noodles!  I was very grateful when I got to level 4 and the cars thinned out and I had the place to myself for the remainder of my skate..which made it that much more enjoyable!
Resting the legs on the “flat level” enjoying my skate 🙂
Skating is always worth smiling about!
Contemplation, alone time, pushing hard up hill!
Made It!!!
I had not planned on coasting down.  I thought that would certainly kill me!  But once we got to the top and took some pictures, I thought…”Why not!  At least on the empty levels!”  So I started down on the “flat” part of the level and realized the “flat part” wasn’t so flat and I was already catching some speed.  The steep parts might be a bit intense.  I turned the corner to go down my first steep part, when I heard my husband yell from the car….”CAR!!!”  I looked up and stopped. It wasn’t just any car, it was security!  BUSTED!!!!!!
“Ma’am, you can’t skate in the parking garages.”  He said with a smile and amused look in his eyes.
“Okay,” I replied.  “I just wanted to skate up the garage.  And I’m done so I’m leaving anyway.  Thanks.”
The passenger security guard looked at me with a laugh, “I bet that was a workout!”
“Yes, sir.  That was the point.  I did it, and now I’m getting in my car and driving down.”
They were all smiles and very sweet. I think they were expecting to find a rowdy mouthy teenagers and were shocked to find a 42 year old woman!  *laugh*  It was fun..and boy did I feel like the rebellious teenager they were expecting!  Ha!  It’s good for the soul!
One more goal down…….a few more to go!
Last night I went to bed early.  I knew it would be a cool morning and I wanted to get up and out early for my run.  So this morning, I woke up and I could feel it!  Today was going to be the day!  I put on my running shoes, got my Nike+ Ap running and hit the pavement.  My knees were trying to tell me otherwise.  My back was trying to tell me I was crazy. My lungs were NOT happy.  And my mind wanted to play games with me!  I just told them all to be quiet..we were gonna do this today!!!!  So I ran…and walked…and ran some more.  I didn’t use my formal 4 min run 2 min walk training, but I was close.  My running was faster, my form (thanks to Chi Running) is getting better.  But I’m still running too fast for my lungs.  Gotta work on that.
 Anyway… I did it!  My  original goal was faster than the 45 minute pace I had been running for my 1/2 marathon training.  Then I had the crazy goal of 43 minutes today.  A goal is no good unless it is specific..faster just wouldn’t do.  I needed a specific time!   So I set what felt like an impossible goal to reach..shaving off 2 minutes of my time in a week?  Seriously?
Well ya know what?  You are more than you ever imagined you can be!!!!  You are a limitless being of the Divine Creator.  AND SO AM I!!!!
Today, I finished my 5K in 42:38!!!!!!!!
5K time 42:38
So there ya  have it….2 more goals checked off the list!  I will get to Eagle Skate Park sometime this week to re-run laps and see where I am :).  What goals are you reaching for????

Week 19…Visible, Tangible Changes!

This week has been filled with some very emotional thoughts..on the happy side. This is week 19 for me, and I have been taking stock of where I was and how far I have come. Why? Well because I am at a point where my body is looking completely different. These changes are VISIBLE! My body FEELS different. These changes are TANGIBLE! So when these things happen, they get your attention.

First on Sunday, I put on my “Easter outfit”. It was the first outfit I bought in a “smaller size” thinking that it would take me all the way through to the fall. It was a skirt, cami, and shrug. I wore it on Easter. I wore the cami and shrug a couple more times with jeans. But last Sunday I went to put the whole outfit on, and the cami and shrug swallowed me WHOLE! The whole outfit looked HORRIBLE on me. I remembered the navy blue cami (seen in my profile picture) and tried it on with the skirt and it looked GREAT! Not only did it look great, but it showed the huge change my body has made! I took pictures. Then I compared the pictures from Sunday to Easter Sunday.. NIGHT AND DAY! Crazy!

Easter Sunday April, 2011

July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

I noticed the other day as I was working out, that when I put my hands on my waist, I can feel my front and my back at the same time. That is how much my waist has shrunk. More importantly, I could actually feel my oblique abdomen muscles! I could flex them and feel them! That is how much body fat I have lost!

I look in the mirror and I can see the dip at the base of my throat where the 2 clavicles come together and the muscles right there. I am beginning to see my clavicle bones!

My bum is finding some definition and I can feel the crease that is supposed to hold a pencil!

So these things have caused me to stop and pay attention to the other changes in my life. It’s not just the physical. I have set goals and met goals and set new ones along this journey. I was contacted by the founder of Beyond the Bus Stop (which I first saw either on Oprah, Dr. Phill or some other national show that I watched years ago) on Facebook (we have been friends via Facebook for 2 years, but have never really talked). She contacted me (based on my easter/now pictures) and told me that she has noticed the changes in me and told me that I am the kind of person she wants on her team (that’s a different story). But to be recognized by someone of her caliber was HUGE for me! My daughter posted a song on Facebook with the message saying she was dedicating the song to me because I am such an inspiration…she is 12 years old! My son tells me how proud he is of me. His friends tell me how great I am looking. My husband tells me he loves the changes in me (not the physical ones..but the deep inner ones). My marriage is stronger because of these changes! I am finding that sexy confident woman that I knew was always there but got lost some where! The changes are huge and I have hard time putting words to them!

This week marks the end of an 8 week Super Summer Challenge that I started with another online community. My goal was to release 10# in 8 weeks. Today on the scale I was down another 1.8# for a total of 9.8# for the 8 weeks and 29.4 for the 19 weeks! I have met other goals for this 8 week challenge and have a few more to meet still this week. I’ll get them done, mark my words!

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog and supports me. I appreciate each and everyone of you!

Week 18…oh so busy!

Here I am at week 18 1/2….It has taken me almost a week to get to this blog!  I have been so busy with the new job.  I am sure I have said that one before.

Ever since I started working, stepping on the scale has been a scary adventure!  I am not eating like I should (meaning 6 meals a day).  I am not as involved in my on-line communities so I’m missing that supportive connection (both being supported and being supportive).  I am not making dinners like I used.  We have done alot of eating out lately.  And even my running has taken a bit of a hit lately.

So those are all the obstacles I have been facing..so what have I been doing right?  I am still getting exercise in.  Last week I had over 100 Activity Points!  In lieu of running, I got a lot of roller skating in!  I am conscious about what I DO put into my mouth..even if they aren’t the best choices.  I am so very grateful for my new job.  I love it.  And my brain is growing.  And every day I look in the mirror and see the changes in my body and I’m grateful.

I finished an amazing book called Second Wind and have started a new book called Chi Running…hoping what I learn in Chi Running will help my body be able to run further, faster, and for years to come! I am really enjoying it!  I really do love running now.  That’s crazy to hear me say!

So, I stepped on the scale for week 18 and showed a .8# loss…for a total release of 27.6#!  I like it!  I love seeing myself in pictures now.  My face looks completely different!  I’ll show you…..



July 2010

July 2011


Anyway….I know I am healthier..and that is all that matters :).  Here’s to next week on the scale!

Week 17..Can someone please stop the insanity???!!!!!

Wow! After reaching the big Weight Watcher’s Trifecta last week, I think I about fell off the wagon!!!!

So the whole idea of Weight Watchers is that you get a certain amount of daily points you get to consume..for me it’s 31.  This is based on my age and weight..some secret formula that I am sure is kept under serious lock and key at Weight Watchers headquarters or something.  Anyway.  I get 31 points. And EVERYONE gets 49 points per week to use as they would like (if they would like). Then I get to earn points based on my activity level.  The more active I am, the more points I get.  I can use these if I wish.  I usually get around 60 Activity Points a week. So when you add that up, there is a lot of points in there.  And according to the magic Weight Watchers formula, even if I eat ALL of my daily points and ALL of my weekly points and ALL of my Activity Points, I should still be able to lose weight!

Two weeks ago, I realized that I was not eating enough in points.  I had my daily points but I wasn’t using many (if any) of my weekly points.  But my activity levels were way high because of my 1/2 marathon training.  So I believe I was starving myself.  I began to eat more, and sure enough, I lost the 3.2# last week.  The thing is, my activity levels went down a bit.  I was resting and recuperating from the race.  I started training again for a 5K, but the mileage was way down it seemed.  AND I was eating more.  AND I was not eating the RIGHT kinds of foods!

I was beginning to feel a bit out of control.  I went to the grocery store (not on an empty stomach) and found myself CRAVING sugary foods.  Cinnamon Sugar Bagels.  Vanilla Wafers. Ice cream.  Vienna Fingers.  All kinds of things!  I was about to eat the whole store.  It was crazy. I have not felt that “rabid” in a very very long time!  I did NOT like that feeling at all.  I ended p buying the Vienna Fingers (my hubby’s favorite cookie) and the Vanilla wafers (telling myself I will only eat a serving a day or whatever).  OH MY GOSH!  BAD IDEA!!!!  Eventually I had to HIDE the cookies.  Then I had to tell Naomi to eat them or throw them out!  She ate them.  Tracy ate his.  Balance was restored!  But I don’t think that stopped the way I was feeling!

And let’s not forget about how soon I ate through my Weekly points.  Now there is no rules that say when or how you can use them. You can eat them all in one sitting if you would like.  Or you can string them out throughout the week or don’t touch them at all.  Let me just say that by the time Wednesday came round, I was ALL OUT of my 49 points!  Where did they go?  That’s a really good question.  A huge portion of them went to Johnny Carinos Jalapeno Tilapia….BAD CHOICE for a Weight Watcher person!  OMG!!!!! Oh and let’s not forget the TWO full glasses of Italian CREAM Soda.  I LOVED THEM….but I just watched 12 of the 49 points go right down my throat barely stopping for my tastebuds to really enjoy it!

By the time Saturday night date night came around and I was having a yummy salad at Fudruckers, I felt like I was completely out of control!  I was eating everything with conscious thought and I was tracking everything so I wasn’t completely out of control, but boy did I feel like I was on the verge! Thankfully I could talk to Tracy about it. But then after the movies, on the high of just being with each other and not wanting the night to end,  my hubby suggested Cold Stone Creamery for dessert…. OMG!  I had the fat-free sweet cream ice cream with a brownie and fudge.  *sigh*

Sunday came around and we took the kids to the movies to see Cars 2.  We each bought our snack to sneak in.  For me:  diet coke and twix..the twix is worth 6 points.  I was good.  Then my hubby came back from the bathroom trip with a HUGE bucket of popcorn. I thought I was safe.  I don’t like popcorn. But for whatever reason, I grabbed a handful  and he didn’t have butter on it, he had different flavors of toppings like cinnamon, cheese, marshmallow, chocolate. Okay it sounds gross now, but it was sooo good!  3 Cups later (I imagine) I finally put it down.  OMG!

See, I told you. OUT OF CONTROL!

Monday rolls around.  4th of July.  I made dinner.  I had made a yummy salad for me and beanie weanies and hashbrown casserole for the family.  I stuck to my salad and a spoonful of the other stuff.  I was good. I had gone running.  I was great.  I even saved some extra points for something yummy at the fireworks show. I really wanted a carmel apple!  They were out.  I opted for an ENTIRE bag of cotton candy.  But funny thing is….if given the choice of butter popcorn or a hot dog or cotton candy, Weight Watchers will tell you to reach for the cotton candy.  It has less fat.  It was yummy, but it left me wanting something more substantial. So when I got home, I found myself fighting off the craving.  I drank LOTS OF WATER!

Anyway…reigned back in today.  I went to my WI expecting a weight gain..or maybe maintaining.  What I found was .6# loss!  I’ll take it!  It feels good to be back in control again.  Gotta watch that stuff.  Sugar addiction is NOT a good thing!

Independence Day

Today in church we talked about Independence Day..and several times the idea of letting our own lights shine came up.  The question came up, “How are you showing and living your independence/freedom?”  “How are you teaching your children to be free?”

We watched this amazing video called “A New Pledge”


The question I have for you today, is WHAT do you pledge your allegiance to in your life?

This is the first year EVER that I have considered my health on Independence day.  It’s the first time that I have associated FREEDOM from addiction…FREEDOM from unhealthy ways…FREEDOM from things that stress me…and celebrated my Healthy Independence!  And it’s the first time I have ever pledged my allegiance to my SELF…to taking care of my SELF (body mind and soul)…to living authentically when it comes to my eating, to my exercising, to LIVING!

Today’s service was a blessed eye-opener!

I am so grateful for all of those men and women and families who have sacrificed so that I may celebrate these FREEDOMS!  I am deeply appreciative!  Thank you!

For those of you who live in the USA, may you have a happy and safe 4th of July…and for those of you who do not live in the USA, please join me in celebrating this Independence Day…making it about YOUR Self-Dependence and declaring your own FREEDOMS!

Happy Independence Day!