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Archive for June, 2011

Week 16, the Weight Watchers Trifecta!

Years ago, I stepped into a Weight Watchers office for the very first time.  I had around 100# to lose.  I felt like the year they told me it would take was just too far away. My leader (at the time) had lost her own 100# and you would think she was a great example and inspiration to me.  I was faithful to my meetings.  I went every week. I worked my plan.  Tracy even unofficially joined with me and was working the plan too.  We were doing great! I reached my 10% and I think I might have even lost my 25# mark…..or maybe it was the 16 week mark.  I don’t remember it was so long ago.  But what I DO remember is that whether it was 16 week or 25#, I did NOT receive my charm for that mile stone.  I was upset.  Why didn’t I get my charm?  Was I not good enough?  At the time, I was not strong enough in who I was to ask for the charm I had earned.  I walked away with my tail between my legs.  Shortly after that, I decided that I was strong enough to do this on my own!……

See how well THAT worked for me????  *laugh*

There are a couple of things that stand out for me when I look back at that scenario.  1) I was hurt. Took something so personally that I am certain was just an oversight.  My self-esteem was so low I couldn’t stand up for myself!  2) Obviously, I couldn’t do it by myself.  3) Running away is NEVER the right answer!

So here we are…10 years later..round 4 with Weight Watchers.  I am a completely different person NOW than I was 10 years ago,  yet some things are the same.  I have grown so much in the last 10 years.  I have learned to stand up for myself.  I have learned to stick to things and see things through.  I have learned that I *might* be able to do this on my own, but I CHOOSE to listen to the studies that say community is of utmost importance when choosing a healthier lifestyle and making such big changes in your life and I am so very grateful for my various supportive communities!

Along this journey, I have faced a couple of bumps in the road.  I have come face to face with some of my more challenging attitudes.  I have set goals and smashed them.  I have set goals and let them slip by me but always keeping my eye on the prize, readjusted them and met them at a later date!  Three weeks ago, on week 13, I was almost certain I would reach my 10% goal with Weight Watchers.  I didn’t.  I was 1# off!  I was a bit upset, but I figured I would meet it and smash it the next week since it was after my 1/2 marathon!  Week 15 had me stepping on the scale to see NO CHANGE!!!!  I cried.  I really did.  I REALLY wanted to reach that 10% goal!  Okay..so I had to readjust my expectations.  Look at my food logs.  Look at my exercise routine.  Where can I made adjustments, or do I even need to?  What if this is a plateau that lasts forever?  That last statement was the beginning of a negative thought process that I thought was going to bring me down!

So, between weeks 15 and 16 I found myself re-evaluating.  I found myself questioning.  I decided I needed to EAT MORE.  I do not think I was getting enough calories for all the workouts I was getting in.   I found myself saying, “I can do this alone.  I don’t need Weight Watchers.”  That was not a good thought or feeling.  I decided retail therapy was required.  Tracy and I headed to the mall and I did a Hollywood Montage trying on all kinds of spring dresses. Not quite into a size 16 dress (bust size still too big).  But I did find this amazing size XL dress that had a zipper in front that I could unzip (with a cami underneath) and the bottom part fit amazingly!  I didn’t buy it.  I did find a Size 16 in a “stretchy” dress that fit and was fun and flirty.  But again, I didn’t buy it.  Then the next day, Naomi and I  hit the mall.  I decided to hit Coldwater Creek and try on regular sized clothes. No 1X’s or 2X’s.  No size 18W or 18s.  What I found???? I could wear a size 14 pair of jeans, but were just too tight to buy.  I DID buy size 16 pair of jeans a size MEDIUM knit flowy amazing summer skirt and 2 t-shirts in size 16/18 and 1X (Dang boobs!).  I also went to Layne Bryant to buy new bras because even if they are still too big for regular size clothing, they are shrinking!  I bought new bras and matching panties…..panties in size 14/16s!!!!!!  YES!!!!  Anyway…by the time retail therapy was done, I felt amazing!  Like I have said before, it can’t always be about the scale!  The scale can be evil!  *laugh*

Yesterday…the day before the big Weigh In….  I decided I would eat cleanly. No processed foods.  I ended up eating 1 little Aussie Bite for 3 points.  But everything else was clean and unprocessed. I drank 4 liters of water.  I went for a run in the morning and then at night did 30 minutes of Just Dance 2.  I did the best that I could do.  I ate well during the week. I hit all my workouts.  All I could do now was sleep the night away.  And since Weigh In day is my day off, I decided I would sleep in until it was time to get up and head over…….

Week 16….the Weight Watchers Trifecta!!!!!

I stepped on my scale this morning….my scale said TODAY IS THE DAY!  I went into the my Weight Watchers office and told my leader, “Today is the day..my home scale said so!”  I stepped on the scale and it read 220.4!!!!!  I was down 3.4# for the week and a total of 26.2#!  Paula (my leader) was just about screaming with excitement.  She was pumping her fists and stomping her feet and telling me how proud of me she was!   She said, “You have hit the Weight Watchers Trifecta!”  Which I already knew!

At 10% loss you receive a key chain.  At 25# loss you receive a 25# washer to put on the key chain.  At week 16 you receive  a clapping hands with the number 16 charm to put on your key chain.  Today, I hit ALL THREE!!!!!  THE TRIFECTA!!!!


So, yes, today was about the scale, but it was about so much more than that!  It is about how far I have come in 10 years.  It is about how far I have come in just 16 weeks.  I have learned to stand up for myself. I have learned to ask for that “bravo” star to put on my weight loss book.  I have learned to muscle through the hard times and to refocus on the positive things to keep me going.  I have learned that I am so much more of an athlete than I ever thought I was.  I have learned that it’s not about ME….but its about the changes in me that inspires others to be better.  It’s about standing up and supporting those who are on their own journeys.  It’s about my husband saying he wants to join me in my training runs and run  5K and 1/2 marathon with me.  It’s about my 11-year-old daughter asking me if she can go to the gym with me.  It’s about my daughter giving me a bear  hug and telling me, “Mommy!!! I can put my arms all the way around you!”  And today, it was about coming home with the Trifecta of awards and having my family hug me and tell me how proud they are of me!  It’s about being the change I want to see in the world!

Week 15…This is a week of NSV’s

Here we are at week 15.  I totally anticipated reaching my 10% goal today and receiving my key chain.  I also half way expected to reach my 25# loss today (at least according to my scale at home this morning.)  However, my scale visit at the Weight Watcher center did not produce either of these!  What it produced is ZERO lost and ZERO gained!  That’s frustrating.

Last week, I didn’t eat all of my Weekly Points and I earned 94 Activity Points.  My thinking is….I didn’t eat enough last week to lose weight. I think my body went into starvation mode.  I also had a change in schedule at my house. I started a new job and didn’t get my grocery shopping in and spent  of time eating out and I don’t think I ate enough small meals throughout the day. I think this is my issue for the week.  Okay..so onward and upward.  I will make sure I eat enough points when I’m getting so many AP’s.  Though I do not see me getting that many AP’s this week.

So since I have a zero weight loss to celebrate, I will celebrate NSV’s (non-scale victories)….here they are:

I weight 223.6# and I just bought a SIZE 14 pair of pants at Sports Authority!!!!!!!  SIZE 14!!!!  HUGE NSV!  I can now shop at regular stores!  Not every size 14 looks great and fits great..but this one does!  So I’m counting it!   I don’t remember the last time I wore a size 14, and I can tell you that when I got married I was wearing a size 13/14.  I think sizes and clothing styles have changed a bit over the last 23 years…but still. SIZE 14!!!!!  

I finished my 1/2 marathon with the official time of 3:28:18.3..over a minute and a half faster than my goal time of 3:30. I’ll take it!  Very excited!

My hubby decided to start running yesterday and we started him with the C25K training program.  During the “jog now” phase, I was RUNNING full speed! The NSV is getting my hubby up and out running….and the fact that I was running faster than I did when I started my own C25K back in April!


Every time you meet a goal, you should always follow that up with creating a new goal that way you always have something to work towards. Now that I have finished my 1/2 marathon in my goal time, my new goal is to run a 5K in around 8 weeks with a finish time of 38:00.  (Previous 5K time was 44 or 45 minutes).  I am currently running a 15 minute mile. So I want it faster than that.  There is my new running goal. Hubby and I are looking at a 5K in mid August.

See Jane Run 1/2 Marathon.. I DID IT!!!!

Ever since my friend Michelle told me she was planning on having her wedding at the finish line of the Honolulu Marathon December 11, 2011, I had been toying with the idea of getting back into running.  That was in February of this year.  When I joined Weight Watchers, they announced their 5K Walk-It Challenge that was to be held in May, I decided I would use this at the catalyst to start my running. I wanted to RUN!  I have walked a marathon and several 5Ks before, but I have never RUN any portion of them.  So in March, I set out training for the 5K and I decided that I WAS going to go the Honolulu Marathon in December.  But between the two 5Ks in May and the Marathon in December there was the Boise See Jane Run 1/2 Marathon on June 18th!    I finished 2 5K’s in May and then immediately started training for the half marathon which was in 4 weeks.


During my training, I tried different kinds of interval training. I ended up with the 4 minute run and 2 minute walk interval. The last 2 weeks of training, I also incorporated a 5-25 interval training which was 5 days a week for 25 minutes I would do 2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, 1 minute sprinting 5x for 25 minutes total. Then I would go on to finish my 40 minute training “run” with the regular intervals. That didn’t always work. Actually, I think it only worked once. *laugh*

My left knee (which I injured last summer..and took me out of roller derby) started to get cranky. So I continued with my 5-25 training and gave up on any 40 minute training runs and decided I would do 5-25’s either on bike, stationary bike, roller skates or elliptical (to save my knee). I did complete 3 long runs. One was 8 miles long and the other two were 9 miles..following the 4 minute run 2 minute walk. I didn’t even get ALL of the running in during those times. But I had a goal. I needed to keep pace to get me to the finish line at 3 hours 30 minutes. As far as I could tell with the 9 mile runs, I was on pace…and it was painful. My knee hurt. My hips hurt. My feet hurt. And OMG..how was I going to do this???

Wednesday before the actual race, I did my last cardio workout. I was feeling GREAT! I was ready for this race. I spent Thursday and Friday before the race just mentally preparing and taking care of my body. I did a 2 miles stroll one day and 30 minutes of upper body weight lifting the next. My head was in the game. I had had no alcohol. I was eating right. And I was ready!

Race day came, I was feeling great! My running buddy (the bride to be, Michelle) showed up 2 minutes before starting gun (true to her nature) and we started the race together knowing that she would take off and leave me in the dust. We may run together but we have individual goals and times. She took off and there I was left to my own devices….iPhone playing jams and running training app telling me when to run or walk.

My hubby and daughter met me about every mile to take pictures and make sure I was good with water. I found myself running further and faster than I thought I would for the day. I was having a great time. Until about mile 8 1/2 where the trail was under construction and covered in big rocks that I could feel with ever step. I bruised the ball of my left foot! OUCH! Mile 9 my foot was in pain! Mile 9 1/2 we got back to regular path. Yay!

Mile 10 or so was the last time I saw my hubby before the finish line. As soon as he left, my iPhone DIED!!! No music! No trainer to pace me! I WAS ALONE! They say long races are more mental than physical! In the last 1 1/2 miles I found this to be true.

Finally, I crossed under the bridge at Broadway and entered into Julia Davis Park where the starting/finish line was.  I knew i had to be close, but I don’t remember how many miles I had left, and I wasn’t sure where the race route was going to take me.  I was hoping against hope that I didn’t have to make that original loop we started out with that would take me all the way around the park again.    I hadn’t seen a mile marker in what seemed like FOREVER!  I didn’t know where I was.  But there was a lady with a stop watch and told me that I was at 3:04:…..  THREE HOURS FOUR MINUTES!

This is where my mind started to mess with me.  This is where the mind games started to kick in!  I thought I lost my goal time. I thought it was over with. I had no idea how fast I was going.  I saw 1 woman still ahead of me I focused on passing her.  I did it!  But I still had no idea where I was.  Where was that blasted mile marker?  What time was it?

I could hear the award ceremony going.  I saw a woman with a medal walking to her car.  Finally I saw Mile 11.  MILE 11?????  SERIOUSLY??? ONE MORE MILE???  What time was it?  I must have  missed my time.  It would take me another 15 minutes (if I was on pace to make the last mile, and I knew the award ceremony was supposed to start at 11 (3 HOURS IN) and they were already at the end of the ceremony! I could see the finish line across from the park from where I was.  I HAD TO GO ALL THE WAY AROUND THE PARK STILL! I felt like quitting. My body was begging to stop. I kept pushing. Walking faster. Heart pounding. Breathing difficult. Lungs and feet burning.

I kept thinking about my mentor Bill Phillps who recently had a bilateral quadirepts rupture and can’t run or even walk right now, yet he is still working out. He managed to make it through this horrible accident and surgery and recovery with no pain killers.  Certainly I can do THIS!  I WILL DO THIS FOR HIM!

Mile 11 was the longest mile ever! Last 50 yards, I finally saw the clock at the finish line. 3:28:40. I blinked and looked at it again. I didn’t have my glasses on.  Surely it said 3:48:40….but I looked again.  NOPE!  I STILL HAD TIME!  I still had a minute to go. My heart lifted! I started sprinting watching that clock ticking down. I ran faster and faster. MUST MAKE MY TIME!  A man and his family were packing up to leave the area and he saw me start to sprint and he started clapping and cheering me on!

Finally, screaming and crying….I crossed the line at 3:29:59!!!!!!


I received my medal and hugged my family and my running buddy! And about puked! Then it was time to celebrate…champagne and chocolate! YES!!!


So what’s next you might ask? I still want to beat my 5K time and I have another race 1/2 marathon in October! BRING IT!!!!

What goals are you busting wide open or reaching for? Let me know so I can cheer you on!!!!

Week 14 Retail Therapy….The Prequil

One of my girlfriends was having a very bad day. I offered dinner and a movie, she counter offered with retail therapy and dinner. Far be it from me to turn down shopping..and its with a friend in need…so that makes it a sacrifice, right???

Yes, I can justify just about anything!!!!

It is mid June, and I have a big vacation coming up at the beginning of August. I am also in the thick of some amazing weight loss challenges and physical trainings. These challenges end at the end of July and end of August. Not to mention, I am am consistent with my weight loss 1 1/2 -2# a week…. So..that is like another 10# by the end of July! So it’s a little early to start buying clothes!

Again…I was with a friend in need. It was a sacrifice, I tell ya! Someone had to take one for the team, might as well be me!!!

Both of us being full-sized women, we headed for Layne Bryant. I know I am shrinking out of their clothes, but I honestly haven’t tried on REAL clothing in a very long time!

First I found this adorable turquois tank top with sparkly bling around the collar. I needed a new turquois tank..my other one is too big now and got a stain on it :(. (see…justification…..) Then I went to look for shorts. I came across these really cute denim capris/bermuda shorts. I picked up a size 16 and size 18…just wasn’t sure and I was scared to death! Layne Bryant’s clothing sizes are weird. The 16’s fit beautifully maybe even a bit big! By end of July they WOULD be too big. Now I have said 3 times that I can justify anything, but at $75 for the pants, I could NOT justify that! However, the blue tank at a size 14/16 was GORGEOUS and I am not likely to shrink out of that size top anytime soon! SOLD!

Then for giggles, I tried on a pair of size 14 shorts. THEY FIT!!!! And they looked AMAZING!!!! With room to shrink all the way through winter! But I didn’t by them. I didn’t love the material (felt too heavy..not good for humid Florida trip).

I weigh 223.6. According to my weight, I should NOT be wearing size 14 ANYTHING…but my body has shifted and changed. Thanks to running and weight lifting, my body proportions are so different!!! This is proof that when i step on the scale, I am losing fat weight and gaining muscle weight! LOVE THIS!!!! I can SEE the athlete in me coming out!

If I look and feel THIS good now…I can’t wait till the main shopping event at the end of July!!!!!

PS:  For the record….week 14 saw me release 1.2# for a total of 23#!  Next week, I should reach my 10% goal which is losing 10# of my original weight…so I should be at LEAST 24# released.  Stay tuned………

Week 13 1/2..the incredible shrinking woman!

Tuesday was week 13 weigh in…..I released another 2.2# for a total of 21.8# released!  That is fantastic news!  I LOVE IT!  More importantly, I love the changes being made in my life…..

So lots of things happen in my life besides Weight Watchers and losing weight.  I’m a mom.  I’m a wife.  I’m a daughter.  I read.  I’m a friend.  I’m a Sunday School Teacher.  I’m a student.  …..just lots of things.  What I have found is that when you live your life with purpose and ON purpose, your life unfolds perfectly before you.

A year or so ago, I was joking with my husband about wanting to work with the company he works for (Picaboo) as a customer care specialist.  He laughed it off and told me that unless we wanted to move to Palo Alto, CA. that just wasn’t possible.   So about a month ago, he came home from a business trip and told me that Karen, the VP of Customer Care had asked him if I would be interested in working as a Customer Care Specialist.  At first, he spoke FOR me and said no.  Then he realized he was wrong, and retracted his statement. That started a snowball effect.  Soon enough, I had an interview and an offer letter!  I have been hired as a part-time, work from home, Customer Care Specialist for Picaboo!  I’m sooo excited!  I didn’t go looking for this job; it came looking for me. But I set that intention a year ago!  Pretty exciting!  They even hired me, approving of the dates I needed off for a couple of big running races I already have planned!  Sweet!!!

The next big challenge?  Learning to plan, eat, exercise properly while working a real job…like everyone else in the world!  I can do this!

The other thing I am really proud about this week is that my daughter has begun to join me in the gym.  She was running track in the spring, but has decided that she wants to run NOW to keep it up.  So she asked me if she could go to the gym with me.  Today, was her first day.  She couldn’t keep up with my 5/25 interval workout; the sprint part was hurting her legs; I told her she needs to work through that pain.  But in the end, she decided to just do the “jog” pace on the elliptical. When we were done with the cardio, we headed to the free weights.  I started her out with 5# weights since that is all I could find there.   We did one full set of the upper body work out before her arms were like jello. We still need to work on her form.  She will get it!  The important thing is…she is there doing it!  As for me??? I have graduated in weights to 10# for all but 1 of the exercises (still working on this elbow issue of mine).  I am pretty excited about this milestone!

One last thing to celebrate……

The Boise See Jane Run 1/2 Marathon is next week.  So far, I am having a heck of a time with running clothing that will prevent me from chaffing.  Today we went back to See Jane Run to look for pants.  My running skirt I bought in May rides up on my legs….(the compression short part does).  Today, the sales lady helped me and suggested I try the XL size in running tights.  She also gave me an XL running tank.  Sure enough, the fit!!!!  I look so dang skinny in them!  I know I’m NOT, but I have to be honest.  I still saw myself as HUGE and when the sales lady saw me as smaller, I was shocked!   I guess I still have some body image issues to work out.  But in the mean time, I am no longer wearing PLUS SIZE workout gear!!!!  Go Me!!!!  Of course, she also suggested the body glide stuff..even the skinny girls use it *laugh*    I’m excited!

Anyway, there are so many facets of ME that are growing and shifting and changing.  I love that way my life is unfolding perfectly right now.  I love how my changes are spreading to and inspiring my own family.

How Do You Measure Success?

Two years ago, I was in therapy for weight loss of all things.  I knew I needed to get down to the mindset issues and deal with them in order to make a significant and permanent lifestyle change.  I thought I had found the right way to do it.  In the process of going through therapy, I became a Beachbody Coach, and I struggled with the idea of success.  How do I know if I am successful at being a coach.  To me at the time, it was watching my own body change and the way I inspired others to be healthier versions of themselves.


In the end, therapy didn’t do much for what I went there for.  And I let go of the Beachbody business.  I’m not much of a sales person.  *laugh*  But today as i ended my 5/25 workout the memory of sitting on Charlene’s couch and discussing success came to me.


How do I measure success when it comes to my health?  There is a reason we set goals.  Goals give us something to reach for, and they help us know when we have succeeded!  When we set goals they need to be S.M.A.R.T.  (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely).  Is it reasonable for us to set goals like we see on Biggest Loser?  “I want to lose 10# this week?”  Unless all you do is work out 8+ hours a day, its not realistic or likely.  Our goals need to fit within our lifestyle or at least easy enough to make little shifts in our schedules to make them part of our lifestyle (like getting up 30 minutes earlier or turning off the tv for 30 minutes to get a workout in).  So many times I have heard, “Well if I had a personal chef to cook for me, I could lose weight like Oprah did.”  Well unless you have several thousand dollars in expendable cash to do that, that isn’t a very realistic and attainable goal either.  But we CAN set little goals of popping in some oatmeal into the microwave for a minute and chopping up a banana to throw in there for a quit breakfast.  We can start small and move from there.  It’s the little things done over a consistent period of time that keep us going and reaching our  BIG goals.  Consistency and progress not perfection!


In March 2006, weighing in somewhere around 220# (about where I am now at 227#) I decided I was going to complete the City of Trees Marathon on Nov 6, 2006.  8 months away…haven’t ever been a runner, and for that matter, walking 1 mile hurt my feet terribly.  On my birthday, in May 2006, my hubby bought me a bike to train with (since I wasn’t released by the doctor to run yet).  I started riding.  And there was this huge hill at the end of Cole Rd, near where I lived.  Every day I would head for that road with the goal of getting to the end.  At first I could ride for a bit, but then I would have to get off my bike and rest.  It was too hard.  But I would get back on and continue the ride.  Sometimes, I would hop off the bike and WALK up a particularly hard part of the hill, but every time I went out, I made it to the top of the hill.  My goal was to RIDE MY BIKE all the way up that hill!  Eventually I could..not only that, I could go farther and make the turn left and go up THAT hill too!  It was amazing!  It was the small steps…the small goals…and reaching them.  That is how I measured success back then.  Somehow, somewhere, I lost that sense of measurement.

Today was the first time in 2 years that I have gotten back on my bike. I was so excited to ride today, and my goal was to do the 5/25 workout!  That was it.  I just wanted to do my 5/25.  I hopped on my bike and started.  First it was down my street and round my little one street subdivision, then I turned right on Victory Rd.  I wasn’t certain which route I would take from there, I decided to let the signal lights determine. If it was red when I got to Victory and Cole, I would turn right on Cole Rd. and face those hills!  Well sure enough, it was red!  Up Cole Rd. I went!  Some of those slow parts were up pretty steep hills, and sometimes the sprint part was up those very steep hills where it took all I had to just keep pushing!  And that very last sprint cycle was on the very last very steep hill at the top of Cole Rd!  I did it!!!!!!  I not only did the 5/25, but I did it going UP those crazy hills on Cole Rd…and I DID’T STOP!!!!!  I didn’t have to take a break to breathe.  I didn’t have to get off my bike to rest my legs.  I didn’t even have to walk up a hill. I was able to pedal all the way through!!!!!  The 25 minutes ended just about 7 yards from the end of the road before you have to turn left….  I finished climbing to the end of the road…to the dead end part.  Then I stopped and got off my bike to drink my water and celebrate just how far I have come in my life.  I celebrated just how far I have come in my health!  I celebrated just how STRONG I am mentally, emotionally and physically!  It was amazing!  My legs felt like wet noodles, and it felt amazing!


This is how I measure success!  It’s not about a number on the scale (though I will admit to liking watching it go down).  It’s about doing things I never thought I would be able to do, or being able to do them again after gaining so much weight back over the years.   It’s about about being stronger at 227# than I was at 220# in 2006!  It’s about pushing myself further than I thought I could go….running faster than I thought I could run….lifting more than I thought I could lift…..skating faster and longer than I ever could before.  Its about reaching those small goals and making new ones.  This is success!


How do you measure yours?

5/25 Training and Left It All On The Gym Floor

This week is week 1 of the Transformation Super Summer Challenge for me!  It also happens to be about 3 more weeks till my 1/2 marathon so I was well underway in my training for the 1/2.  Since I have been “running” for 12 weeks or so, I have noticed that even though my endurance is getting better, it seems as though it is just not where I want it to be.  Or where (for some reason) I believe it should be.  Maybe I have super high expectations for this 227# body of mine *laugh*


Anyway, the promise of 5/25 increasing my endurance has me intrigued.  So I decided to incorporate it into the first 25 minutes of my 45 minute training runs.  Not sure if that is the BEST idea, as I am pretty spent after the 5/25, but its the best I got at this point.  The first day of 5/25 I was screaming.  Seriously!!!  And at the same time I was thrilled..I had no idea I could sprint..much less for a minute.  I managed to get the whole 5/25 plus the remainder of my 45 minute training in…..and the last bit of it was UP HILL!  I was thrilled!


That was Monday.  Tuesday & Wednesday I got my 5/25 in but had to walk the remainder of my 45 minute training.  5/25 is rough; it doesn’t help that my knee is talking to me…so I have to listen.  I realize I need to find something other than RUNNING so I can let my knee heal up in order to do the 1/2 marathon in just 16 days!  Thankfully my bike was ready to be picked up from its visit to the shop!  And boy was I excited to get on it this morning!  I love my bike!


This morning, I got all dressed in my bike shorts and my sweat shirt (it was over cast and chilly out) and opened the garage door just to see that it was raining!  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  I closed the garage door went inside to pick up my keys and went out the front door to my car.  I MUST GET IN MY 5/25!!!


Got to the gym, found a vacant recumbent bike (does anyone else feel like they are always sliding off of these bikes???  Or is it just me always having to push myself back into the seat?), turned on my trainer app on my iPhone and started my workout. I liked the idea of the stationary bike, because I could judge my 3 speeds based on RPM’s…..my slow was around 50, my mid was around 70-80 and my sprint was 104-112.


Let me tell you those sprints are killers!!!  I found myself staring off into the distance through the huge plate glass windows…willing the minute to go faster! By the 25th minute..my last sprinting cycle, I just didn’t have much left!  I was at level 10 on the bike, and pushing with all I had.  I was panting.  I was dripping sweat. My legs and glutes were begging for mercy and it was all I could do to get my RPMs up to 104 or 107. I was willing this last minute to end….but it kept going…and going..and going….  What the heck???  It was the longest minute of my life!!!  Why isn’t my app chiming and telling me its time to go back to slow???  Finally I looked down at my training app and some how it had paused with 30 seconds left!  Seriously????  I must have been going at least another minute past that!  I was dead! LOL.  I hit the cool down button and cooled off for 5 minutes.  Whew!


Then it was off to the weights to do a bit of arm workout…..3 sets of 12 reps for my biceps, triceps, deltoids, pecs, and my back muscles which I just went blank on the names for.


My arms feel like spaghetti!  For that matter…..my glutes are talking to me too!  However, my mind and heart are clear as a bell and very very happy!  I left it all on that gym floor today!  It felt great!  I needed today’s workout, and I am so grateful for the rain that is falling in Boise today!