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Archive for May, 2011

Week 12 Bravo Sticker!

  Last week was a crazy emotional week.  Okay, it wasn’t so emotional until Friday, but the entire week last week was harsh.  I found myself eating too many points.  Then all of a sudden, I wasn’t eating ENOUGH points.  I wasn’t getting all of my water in.  And my Activity Points were down because of the training schedule I was following.  So when you add all of that together, it doesn’t always make for the best Weigh In.  With that said, any loss is a good loss…especially the week after a big loss!  So, today, I stepped on the scale for a loss of .8#.  I’ll happily take it!


What I find interesting/different about this time around in Weight Watchers is that I am learning to really dig deep and deal with the emotional stuff.  I am learning to stand up for myself and ask for what I need instead of just rolling along and stuffing myself with food.  I know I have posted blogs centered around that subject before, but I feel like I need to discuss it some more.  Or maybe I just need to acknowledge it some more.

Life happens.  It shifts and it changes.  Things we would like to NOT have happen..happen.  They just do.  People pass on to the next level of consciousness.  Friendships/relationships shift from being very close to becoming more like an acquaintance.  Your spouse or significant other really tests your patience or hurts you.  Your kids drive you up a freakin’ wall and you find yourself saying, “I brought you into this world, I can take you out!”  It happens.  You can’t get around it.  But what you CAN do is decide how you are going to react to it!

In two weeks, I have had 2 significant relationships in my life do some major shifting, and both of them hurt.  It couldn’t be helped.  This is just part of life.  One of these shifts happened on Friday evening.  I was a wreck.  Truthfully, I’m still very emotional about it; though it is hurting less today than it was yesterday.  I’m getting better.  Saturday, was my “long run” day for my 1/2 marathon training.  I didn’t get any sleep the night before, and it would have been so easy to just sleep it off and not go.  But I decided that I AM WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!!!  I got up, got dressed and hit the pavement.  It was hard.  It was REALLY hard!  My body felt heavy and sluggish.  That is because it WAS heavy…emotionally heavy. Guilt, shame, heart ache, pain, stress will make your body heavy.  During my run I felt like quitting.  I wanted to just turn around and give up.  Then I realized, “I can’t let the upsets in life keep me back!”  I kept plugging along.  I did stop running.  It was just too much for me to do that day.  However, I kept walking…I walked faster and faster.  I even ran when I thought I should try  running one more time.  But I WAS going to finish my training for the day.  I was supposed to run/walk for 2 hours…and that is EXACTLY what I did.  I’m not gonna let a heartbreak stop me from reaching my goals.  I am more important than that!

Today at the Weight Watchers meeting, Paula (our leader) asked for our weekly updates…the good, the bad, the ugly.  I raised my hand and shared my breakthrough moment from last week.  “Needing more doesn’t mean I get to eat more”..and learning to stand up for myself and truly ask for what I need.  Sure in my case it was about friendships/relationships, but in Weight Watchers it is about so much more than that.  It’s about realizing what you need and that you are worthy of  getting that need met.  It’s up to US to see that our needs are met.  We need to learn to speak up for ourselves and not hide in the corner hoping, wishing someone will see that we need something.  This is part of our healing. This is part of our releasing the past to move onto our amazing present and future!  It’s part of being healthy!

Usually after we share something, we get a “bravo” sticker to put on our cards.  Paula did not give me one.  I had a choice.  I could have ignored it.  I could have pouted and thought, “I guess what I said didn’t warrant a bravo.”  I could have gotten angry.  I could have gone to the thoughts I have been fighting since Friday “I’m not enough.”  But I didn’t!  I finished the meeting and quietly stood and walked to the bravo stickers.  I told Paula that I am taking my bravo sticker because I need one and I know that after last week I totally deserve one!  She looked at me and thanked me for sharing and for always giving so much to our meetings and told me to absolutely take my bravo sticker and that I deserved it.  *laugh*  It wasn’t about her thinking I deserved one; it was about me asking for what I needed!

It may be a simple little bravo sticker, but it represents so much more!  How are you getting your needs met today?

The feeling of needing more does NOT give you license to EAT more!

As I was sitting with my girlfriend today visiting with her while watching her son skate board and then later over lunch, it dawned on me this feeling I have been feeling.  I feel like I NEED more.  I need more from my friends.  I need more quality face time from my girlfriends.  I need more adult time with my girlfriends.  I need to be thought of first not as an after thought.  I’m not saying I need to be the most important thing in their worlds.  I’m just saying that I need them to say to themselves, “Hey, I have some free time, let me call Martha and see if she wants to do something.”  (Without the men in our lives..without the children in our lives….some good ol’ fashioned girl time!)  I need a girls weekend away!  I  need to laugh over lunch at silly things. I need to dance the night away in some crazy bar watching all the craziness around us!

I have been feeling very lonely for female companionship.  I love my kids.  I love my husband, but a girl needs girl time!  And for the last month or maybe even longer I have been feeling very neglected by my girlfriends.

So what does this have to do with Weight Watchers?  Well, this feeling has left me feeling empty inside.  And what do a lot of people do when they are feeling empty? They eat in order to NOT feel empty.  It’s a universal law that the universe abhors a hole.  Where there is a hole in the earth, the earth will find a way to fill it. Where there is an empty space on your counter top, the universe finds a way of putting something there.  That is why we are always cleaning.  Well the same is true for this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach…..  If it’s not filled with something positive, it will be filled with food.  This is called stuffing emotions.

Today, while visiting with my girlfriend, I realized what this feeling was.  I was able to name what I was feeling.  I NEED MORE.  I felt that feeling like I need to eat and eat and eat.  But I wasn’t hungry.  I just feel like I NEED MORE.  Great..so now that I know what I am feeling, and I am able to name it; the power has been removed from that feeling, and I need to take action in order to fill that void in my life.  With what? I’m not certain.

Right now I am just crying and vented to my husband.  I’m blogging.  I even wrote an email to my girlfriend….not optimal, but since we can never get time alone these days it seems like the only way I can communicate with her.  So an email it is.  But I need to do something to get out of this mood…I need to DO something.  I guess I will go clean. I will see if I can get an exercise routine in.  Hopefully that will help.  I know what I need to do..and that is FEEL what I’m feeling and then find a positive outlet to take care of this feeling without eating it away.

Gotta be smarter than the Smart Phone Apps… a Run worth Blogging About

Last week, I ran (well ran/walked) the 5K had been training for, and I set my sites on training for the Boise See Jane Run Half-Marathon that is scheduled for June 18th (4 weeks away).  While training for the 5K, I had been using the Couch 2 5K training app on my iPhone.  I LOVED IT!  It told me when to warm up, the stretches to do, when to walk, when to run, and when to cool off.  I could turn it on and it would play my tunes in the back ground and played nicely with my Nike+GPS app.  All was peaceful in my running world!

Then I needed a training app for my 1/2 marathon.  I am training to run/walk it.  The idea was to run 3 walk 1..or maybe even run 4 walk 2.  I found training programs on paper, and I even found some iPhone apps that did run/walk intervals.  So on Monday, I turned on my new app (run coach) and my Nike+ and my iTunes and I headed out for my run.  I decided to push myself and run faster.  I started running and I kept running and I kept running, running out of breath is EXACTLY what I was doing.  “When the heck is this thing gonna tell me to walk????  Surely its been 3 minutes already!”  I look down and I had been running for 6 1/2 minutes!  Umm…something went wrong!  I was not a happy camper. Yes, this thing did interval training, but it doesn’t TELL you when to run or walk or at least I didn’t hear it and I certainly didn’t feel it vibrate (if that is what it was going to do!)  *sigh*  So I finished that run using my Nike+ and my stop watch app on my iPhone.  NOT IDEAL!  That messes with my head and I can’t get into the runners-space-out-mode.

This Run Coach App also  has me resting 2 days a week which I’m not a fan of.  I know, maybe I should have looked at this app a little better before I spent the big bucks ($2) on it.  But I really thought I found running app perfection when I bought it.

Anyway, today I was scheduled to run again.  I need the intervals and I don’t like the stop watch method.  And then it hit me!  I can go back to my C25K (my old trusty running buddy) and find an interval training day that matches what I need.  Sure enough, I came close enough with Week 4 day 1!!!!!!  After the warm up, I run 3:00, walk 1:30, run 5:00, walk 2:30, run 3:00, walk 1:30, and run 5:00.  I would just have to repeat it minus the warm up and cool down in the middle.  And this very friendly app allows for that!  SWEET!!!!

That is EXACTLY what I did today!  I had a bit of a clumsy moment when I got to the end of the first cycle and had to rewind, but I’ll get it figured out!  It made for a GREAT run!  Last monday, when I wasn’t even certain I could run 3 minutes (which is silly cause I KNOW I can and HAVE) and would die by the 3 minutes, I had my serious doubts about the running thing.  But today, I was running my 3 minutes and my 5 minutes like a champ and with even a bit of a faster pace.  And when that very last 5 minute running cycle came, I was looking at running up a steep hill, the MAGIC truly happened!  My iPhone KNEW I was struggling.  It KNEW I was doubting my ability to find the strength, endurance and will to run UP HILL for the last 5 minutes, so it found THE MOST perfect song in the whole wide world to play and cheer me on…..

I made it up that hill with about a minute and 30 seconds left.  I finished the run passing my house and going a bit further. Then it was time to cool off!  It was an amazing run!  It was EXACTLY what I needed to get out of this funk I had been in!

What are you doing today keep our mind and body healthy???  Gardening? Hiking?  Hitting the gym?  Taking the dog for a stroll?  Do something.  Get moving. Give your body and your mind the boost it needs; your body, friends and family will thank you!

Week 11…Forgiveness and Taking Responsibility

So here we are 11 weeks into this 52 weeks journey!  This has been a crazy week for me in so many ways and yet, the journey must continue.  I mean, what good is weight loss if you can’t life your life WHILE losing it?

Last week was challenging to say the least.  I had doctors appointments scheduled for myself Wednesday and Thursday and one for the cat on Friday…all in the mornings.  Wednesday morning was a dentist appointment and that was also one of my training run days.  So, I ran the 2 1/2 miles to my dentist and walked home.  Okay to be fair I ran/walked to the dentist.  It was fun.  Thursday, I *thought* I had a doctor’s appointment for my headaches at 1045, but when I showed up they told me I had missed it; it was at 9:45.  I LOST it right then and there and started crying.  I was already so emotional before this, but I just couldn’t take it anymore at that point.

Why was I emotional?  Well, without getting into the details, let me try to explain.  While doing the Weight Watchers program, I am also doing Bill Phillips’ Transformation program.  This has 18 steps to go through and last week I did steps 8 and 9.  Step 8 was on forgiveness; you might be wondering why forgiveness should be part of a wight loss program.  Well holding onto anger and resentment create stress on your body which makes you hold onto weight. It also increases your blood pressure. It keeps you feeling heavy which can prevent you from wanting to exercise.  It has a number of negative side effects.  So as I was reading the chapter I was trying to figure out who I need to forgive.  It came down to my best friend who had hurt me.  It also dawned on me that not only do I need to forgive her, but as long as she continues making the choices that hurt me, I need to take a step back from her and let her live her life and make her choices.  I love her to pieces, but there comes a time for “Miss fix it” to stop trying to fix other people and focus on herself.  So I wrote her a letter that night (but didn’t send it). Thursday morning, I called her to make an appointment for lunch so I could talk to her in person.  Then I did my workout in the gym that caused one of those headaches, the doctor appointment fiasco happened, and I was a basket case that couldn’t hardly hold her head up.  I ended up texting my friend and sending her the email. It was a horrible way to deal with things, but it was the only way I could at the time.  Thankfully, she understood.

It was a gut wrenching day, but I made it through it.  I didn’t over eat.  I kept to eating healthy. I didn’t stuff my emotions.  I handled it in the healthiest way I possibly could.  THIS IS PROGRESS!!!!

Step 9 to Transformation was on personal accountability and responsibility.  It is up to ME to become a healthier person..both inside and out.  I need to take responsibility for my actions, reactions, and emotions.  If I choose to make a meal that is unhealthy because it is my hubby’s favorite dinner; that does not mean that I HAVE to eat it!  But if I DO choose to eat it, it is my responsibility; it certainly isn’t my husband’s fault!  Last night, my son graduated from high school. This mean lots of food for celebrating.  I chose healthy options to eat; yet at the same time, I went way over my points. These are choices *I* made, and I take responsibility for them and how they affect my training or my weight loss goals.  There is a definite sense of power when I come from this space in my life. I like it!

So like I said earlier today is week 11 at Weight Watchers.  I stepped on the scale and saw the scale gown down 2.2#!  That is a total of 18.6# released!  I now weigh 227.8!!!!  Hello 220’s!!!  It’s great to see you again, but I won’t be stayin’ long!!!  So 6 more pounds to my 10% mark!  I can’t wait!  I also received my 5K Charm for the Weight Watchers Walk-It Challenge.  Pretty stoked about that one!

And as usual, I am already training for my next race…the half marathon on June 18th.  I am run/walking it.  3 minute run with 1 minute walk.  The training is a bit more difficult than the C25K, but I’m doing it and getting stronger!

Thanks for all of your support and encouragement friends; it truly means the world to me!

Weight Watchers 5K Walk-It Challenge..Progress Not Perfection

Today was the day!  The 5K I had been training for for the last 8 weeks.  It was the Weight Watchers 5K Walk-It Challenge.  My goal was to run the entire thing so I started training with the Couch 2 5K training program.

During my training, I started experiencing what we are calling exertion headaches.  I have yet to have a doctor tell me that is exactly what I am experiencing.  For that reason I guess I have been taking it a little bit easier on myself.  I have been taking anti-inflamatories before I work out to prevent the headaches (pills I had left over from a recent elbow injury).  It seems to be helping, and I’m certainly not letting the headaches stop me completely.  *laugh*  I don’t think I can sit still for that long!

Anyway, today was the big race!  It started at 1pm.  In case you don’t know, I live in Boise and it is classified as High Desert. So at 1pm with the shining on May 21, it was a little warm out!  That’s okay. I was wearing my new running shorts and made sure I had the proper clothing for hot weather running.  I had my family with me stationed at different parts of the race to cheer me on.  My 18 year old boys were planning on running the last mile with me. My 11 year daughter ran the last 1/2 mile with us.  It was a fun time.


Like I said my goal was to run the whole thing.  That didn’t happen.  I ran/walked it.  I completed the race in 44:44.  I believe I shaved off 30 seconds from my time 3 weeks ago at the Race for the Cure.  It’s not perfection but it IS progress!

I have also learned something about myself today.  2  years ago, while starting in a weight loss challenge, I took a hike up a local mountain with the group. I was the last person in the line and having a very hard time hiking up the mountain.  The leader came back down and walked up with me.  I was very frustrated. I didn’t want people waiting on me.  I couldn’t ask for help.  I didn’t know how.  I just wanted to be left alone.  3 weeks ago while running the race for the cure with my running buddy, I was getting so frustrated with her cheering me on to keep running.  I just wanted her to keep going and leave me behind and let me go.  But she wouldn’t.  Then today as I was struggling with the last mile, my 18 year old boys were cheering me on and I was very easily frustrated. I wanted them to run/walk behind me..not beside me..not infront of me.  I didn’t want them cheering me on side by side with me. I wanted to do it on my own. I didn’t want to accept teir help.

Part of me thinks I am meant to be a lone runner.  I’m not certain.  But there is another part of me that I think is learning a lessons, to relax and let other people support me and carry me when I can’t carry myself. It’s okay not to be perfect. It’s okay to need a little cheering on on occasion.   I need to learn to ask for  help and ACCEPT it.

Anyway, I had a great race!  I love my family and appreciate them so much for cheering me on and running with me.  I will keep training to get this 5K beat, and my next official race is June 18th…a 1/2  marathon!

Week 10!!!! Pretty stoked!

Hey Gang!  So here we are at Week 10 of this Weight Watchers project.  Lots of things are changing for me….my mindset, my body, my strength, my eating habits..

The scale is a funny thing.  I step on it every morning right after I do my business and before I get dressed.  It is usually pretty consistent, but the only number that really counts for this blog purpose is the one at the Weight Watchers meeting.  Nevertheless, I step on the scale every morning.  On Sunday, it made a HUGE jump UP. YIKES!  But I knew what it was..  it was water retention.  Of course, it could have been the meal I decided to eat the night before (fettuccine Alfredo) but I don’t really think it was the dinner.  I’m going with water retention. It is after all that time of the month.  TMI?  Nope.  It’s important for we women to acknowledge that this part of our life.  Some months are better than others, and when we step on a scale, it can really affect the numbers.  It’s just a fact of life.  It’s important to note, that I didn’t freak out.  I didn’t change my plan for my Tuesday morning Weigh In.  Remember, I decided a couple of weeks ago there would be no more game playing.  So I stuck to the plan.

Sunday I continued to eat the way I would have, and made sure I had plenty to drink. BTW, my food choices were not so great on Sunday.  *laugh*  As a matter of fact, breakfast consisted of that huge muffin from Maverick.  Monday, realizing that my choices have not been great, I decided to STICK TO MY POINTS!  I have 33 now, and I was only going to use those 33 and get my 6 meals in and my exercise in.  I did my 5K training.  I was supposed to run 25 minutes straight, and I found it very difficult. I ran as best I could walked a few then ran some more.  Monday night (just because I love the game) I played 90 minutes of Just Dance 2!  I LOVE THAT GAME!

Today, I got my workout clothes on, had a banana and some water.  I did my Turbo Jam Booty Sculpt workout followed it up with a protein drink and some more water.  Then it was time to get ready for my Weigh In.  I put on regular clothes and headed out.  1.8# LOSS!  Putting me at a total of 16.6!  I earned another 5# star!  Go me!!!  To celebrate, I drove myself downtown to See Jane Run (a women’s running store) and bought a running skirt to run the 5K in this weekend!

There was a time when I would have celebrated with food….now I celebrate with running equipment!

This weight loss journey is so complex with so many other goals and challenges to meet along the way.  This weekend is the 5K I have been training for.  I can’t wait to run it!  The plan is to run the whole thing.  I have yet to totally run a 5K.  This week I also registered for the Boise See Jane Run 1/2 Marathon on June 18th, and I can’t wait!  I need to get more training in…but for right now, my goal for that race is to do it in under 4hrs (which was my time in 2006).  I believe my current sustained pace would put me at the 1/2 marathon finish line at 3:30 or so…so there is my goal.

One thing I have learned this time around.  When you meet one goal, you gotta set another or you will just flounder.  You always need to have something else to work towards!  It’s about growing and becoming a better version of the amazing self you already are!  What are YOUR goals?

Peeling off another layer

Recently, on the Weight Watchers community, the topic of regressing after people notice we have lost weight has been the focus of conversation.

We work hard to lose the weight and take care of ourselves, but the minute someone notices and says, “Hey! You are losing weight! You look great!”  Some of us tend to shrink back into the corner and start eating bad foods again.  And then the weight comes back on.  We are uncomfortable being noticed.  There are various thoughts regarding this behavior. One of them is that our weight is a shield…from sexual attention or just being the center of attention.

In response to these conversations, I posted a blog on Weight Watchers about my favorite Marianne Williamson quote that says something to the affect of, “Who are we NOT to shine our light be beautiful talented amazing……by giving ourselves permission to be this, we unconsiously give others permission to shine their light!”  It does us or anyone around us no good to shrink back into the corner and live a small life. We should be living out loud!!!!

Then this morning, when my husband and I were having a “discussion” I had a huge A-HA moment.  I knew that I was not getting from my husband what I felt I needed.  Instead of saying anything to him (for fear of angering him or him thinking I am high maintenance) I stuffed my emotions…often times with food. I just didn’t ask for what I needed.  What did I get in return?  Fatter.  But I also did not give to  my husband what HE needs.  Then eventually, he explodes and what usually happens is he explodes, and I play the blame game…”Well if you did *this*, then I would want to do *that*”  That is usually the way this conversation goes….every year.

This year was different though. He started the conversation last night as we were going to bed.  I stayed up late into the evening thinking about this.  The first thing I wanted to do was eat.  The second thing I wanted to do was run.  The third thing I wanted to do was take a valium.  But what I really ddn’t want to do was DEAL WITH THE TRUTH!

What I ended up doing was lying in bed and being open to the possibilities and listening to my heart.  I learned that by forgoing the stuffing, I allowed myself the ability to FEEL.  I allowed myself the opportunity to take accountability for my part in this situation.  If I had just spoken up for what I needed MONTHS ago, then we would not be in this situation now.  We could have rectified it a long time ago.

Yes, like most things, this behavior dates back to childhood, but I am not going to blame my childhood for my behavior as an adult.  What happened in the past is in the past; I only live in the NOW.  And I have better knowledge now.  So this morning, instead of playing the blame game or being aggressive with my husband, I told him that I hear what he is saying.  I took accountability for my behavior in the situation and we were able to really be open and honest in a loving conversation….for the first time in YEARS about this particular subject!

It is amazing what we learn once we let go of our old coping mechanisms and begin to live a healthy life!

The Fear of Weight Loss or Letting Your Light Shine…The Choice is Yours!

Today while I was taking my 2 mile walk and listening to my inspirational music, one of my favorite Marianne Williamson quotes came on….

“Our deepest fear is not hat we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

This reminded me of some of the conversations and blogs I have been reading lately. It has been said that our excess weight is a shield we use to protect ourselves. But from what? For some of us, its the unsolicited sexual attention (or perceived sexual attention) we may get..even if its from our own spouses. For some of us, its just the unsolicited attention period. We would rather shrink into the corners of the walls and blend in with the wall paper than be the center of attention. I get it. I totally do. For me, it has been the unsolicited sexual attention. At first it feels great, but then it becomes unbearable. At least it has in the past. Not any more..bring it on! *laugh*

Does living small like that feel good? Does being over weight and shrinking into the corners of the rooms and playing invisible FEEL GOOD? Honestly? NO IT DOESN’T! It feels soooo much better to live out loud and to let our lights shine! More importantly, it is our duty to let our lights shine and BE and FEEL fabulous, powerful, gorgeous, talented, amazing! When we give ourselves permission to do this, we give the other people in our lives permission to do this. We give our daughters the permission to love themselves, stand up straight and shout from the roof tops, “I am something special! I am amazing! I deserve to have the best in my life!” Isn’t that what we mothers want for our girls? For that matter, isn’t that what we want for our boys? Isn’t that what we want for our best friends, husbands, mothers, and fathers?

We are living such an amazing journey right now. We are doing Weight Watchers. We are losing weight. And with each pound we shed, we are learning more and more about who we truly are and who we want to become! Losing weight is the easy part; it truly is! It’s this other stuff that can be a challenge! Accept the challenge. Grab hold of it like a raging bull and ride it for all its worth! Laugh, cry, sing, dance…whatever you have to do, but LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!!! LIVE OUT LOUD! Be that shining example for those around you. And the next time someone notices you have lost weight and says something to you, smile your biggest, brightest smile and say, “Thank you! I feel fabulous!” Then keep that light shining and allow them to shine their light as well!

Week 9 and happy to be here!

Wow!  What a week it has been!  I had an AMAZING birthday and mother’s day!  I accomplished some major goals this last week AND I lost 2.8# for a total of 14.8#.  Next week I will get one more 5# star!  Go me!  I have also lost 6 1/2 ” off my entire body thus far.  Pretty darn good!

Last week I ate some amazing foods:  black bean & sweet potato chimichanga, chicken carnitas with corn tortillas, bbq hamburgers at my place, brisket sandwich at Dickey’s BBQ, Cheesecake Factory Low-Carb Cheesecake, and some yummy Thai food!  I LOVE great tasting food.  I definitely indulged last week.  I can’t do that all the time, but let me tell you, I had the activity points to do it!  I did over 80 activity points last week.  I knew I was going to enjoy some amazing food so I planned for it and got the movement in!

On Mother’s Day, my son Nate and his best friend Jared who pretty much lives with us, made me the best Mother’s Day Video!  It totally made me cry and laugh.

Today in my Weight Watchers meeting we talked about standing up for ourselves and about our support group.  We talked about the importance of showing our support group gratitude.  And it dawned on me, that I don’t think I show my family enough gratitude for all of their support.  I have such an amazing family that cheers me on….whether its cheering me on while I skate 25 laps, or making my mother’s day breakfast that is Weight Watchers friendly or just tells me how great I’m looking these day!  I totally appreciate my amazing friends and family!  I couldn’t do this without them!  Thank you!!!

As with any goal that is set, there are always challenges that need to be overcome.  The most recent challenge is a medical thing for me.  Last Saturday while I was running The Race for the Cure, I got a huge pounding headache only on my left side of my head.  Then again on Saturday night while I was roller skating, as soon as I started to skate fast and my heart rate started elevating, I got that same horrible headache.  I have since gone to the doctor and they have ordered a contrast MRI for me.  I have been instructed not to run or do any heavy weight lifting until we can figure out the source of the headaches.  A tiny set back.  I can still walk.  My family bought me the Wii Just Dance 2 game and I have been playing that for activity points.  I (and I never thought I would say this) miss running!  I’m like the rebellious kid that HATES to do something but the minute you tell that kid it CAN’T do something, that is all it wants to do.  Yup that’s me, alright!    I will keep ya updated on what the MRI says…

In the  mean time, I am still planing on doing the Weight Watcher’s Walk-It Challenge on May 21.  I may be walking it, instead of my original plan to run it, but that is okay. My husband has agreed to go and volunteer for it by cheering people on along the course!  I am going to recruit my daughter and my son too.  It should be a great family time!

I hope you are having a fantastic week!  Thank you for reading my blog and for cheering me on (even if I can’t hear you).  Your support really means the world to me!  I hope you are finding time to take care of YOURSELF!

42 And Getting Younger Every Day!

So many great things happen on one’s birthday! Usually it’s filled with friends and family and lots of food..especially big pieces of birthday cake and LOTS of ice cream! And in my house, a birthday is celebrated all week long! You can imagine what this might do to someone who is on Weight Watchers! *laugh*

This week has been an amazing week, and I really still have one more day of celebration since today (its 2am) is Mother’s Day. I may have been celebrating all week, but I have done amazing with my points and I stuck to my race training and exercising. And I really only “over did” it on points (if you want to call it that) one day! That was the day before my birthday when we went out to dinner and saw Wicked and then went to The Cheesecake Factory at 1145pm for dessert! YIKES! Even then I was good…ordered the “low carb cheese cake with strawberries”. Did you know that the nutrition page for The Cheesecake Factory does not list the FAT CONTENT??? Guess they don’t want to advertise just how BAD even the “good”Cheesecake is. *laugh* It’s all good! I found the largest amount of points given for Cheesecake and used that.

The day of my birthday was filled with lots of fun and activity. I ran a 5K. I was not intending to run the entire thing. I ran with my running buddy (until today, we have only run virtually together using the same C25K training on our own on the same days). We were supposed to run 20 minutes today. She wanted us to run the whole thing. She kept pushing me. I didn’t quite run the whole thing, but I certainly ran more than I EVER have. All total, I probably ran at least 2 1/2 of those 3.1 miles! Our time was great for our first race 15:15 pace!

I managed to only use about 37 points today (3 over my daily) and that is WITH birthday cake and a BBQ at my house! Instead of the unhealthy potato chips and dip that I love, I opted for the yummy summer salad and corn and the cob to go with my burger! Great choice!

After the BBQ, we headed to the roller rink to get some skating in. I LOVE to roller skate, incase you haven’t figured that out! We skated for 2 hours tonight. I love playing with my kids and having fun. We played limbo and we raced and I got to disco skate to a BeeGee’s song that was dedicated to me! It was awesome! I even had a bunch of people (mostly really cute young men..like in their 20’s) tell me happy birthday. One even won a teddy bear and gave it to me with a birthday hug! I didn’t win the race for 21 and over today :(…there was a girl that I have been watching for a year now..knowing she was going to be 21 soon. I knew the minute she turned 21, my racing wins were toast! She skates on inlines which are faster than a really fast day on old fashioned quads. It’s all good though, cause I wasn’t too far behind her, and I could still give some of the men a run for their money!

More than anything else, I looked at the pictures from last year’s birthday skating and compared them to this year’s birthday skating. I look so different! My body is leaner and meaner! I feel AMAZING and my skates feel so much better under my feet! I LOVE IT!!!!!


So I turned 42 today….I’m younger than I ever have been! And coincidentally, I even earned 42  Weight Watcher Activity Points! Pretty cool, huh?

It was brought to my attention today that I celebrate life every day…which is so true. I do! There is so much in life to celebrate and be grateful for! And every day that I am on this journey is a celebration and rebirth! What are you celebrating today??? And every day YOU are on this journey is a rebirth…So Happy Birthday, Friends!!!!